The money you spend to run your business must be recorded conscientiously for your taxes and reports. Here’s how to do it. You undoubtedly keep a very close watch on the money coming into your business. You record payments as soon as they come in and deposit them in your company’s bank account. But are […]
Expand QuickBooks Online’s Features: Use Integrated Apps
Expand QuickBooks Online’s Features: Use Integrated Apps Are you finding that you need more flexibility in an area of QuickBooks Online? Maybe it’s time to try an integrated app. When you first started using QuickBooks Online, you probably found that it supplied the tools you needed to manage your accounting – and then some. But […]
Tracking Mileage in QuickBooks Online
If you’re having to drive for work during the pandemic, let QuickBooks Online make sure you’re recording all of your deductible mileage. Many states are starting to open for business again. If yours is one of them and this is affecting you, we hope you’re taking steps to stay healthy. We also hope that you’ve […]
Billing Customers for Time and Expenses in QuickBooks Online
Sometimes, you have to spend money on your customers. Make sure you’re billing them for it. Usually, money flows from your customers to your business. But there may be times when you have to purchase items for a job whose costs will eventually be reimbursed. Or you, or an employee, might spend time providing services […]
10 Tips for Better Budgeting…
…and how QuickBooks Online can help you with the mechanics. If you already have a budget, it’s probably been difficult for you to stick with it for the last several months. Unless you provide products and/or services that have been in great demand since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, you’ve had to adjust your budget […]
How to Use Rules in QuickBooks Online Transactions
Maintaining your transaction registers conscientiously leads to a clearer understanding of your finances. Last month, we talked about the types of best practices that can lead to more effective use of QuickBooks Online and, ultimately, more thorough knowledge of your finances. The first one was this: Go through your new transactions every day. Categorizing and […]