Sometimes, you have to spend money on your customers. Make sure you’re billing them for it. Usually, money flows from your customers to your business. But there may be times when you have to purchase items for a job whose costs will eventually be reimbursed. Or you, or an employee, might spend time providing services […]
8 New Tax Breaks
As you doubtlessly know, Congress recently passed a massive new stimulus bill that was enacted into law on December 27, 2020. Most of the public’s attention has been focused on the bill’s authorization of additional stimulus checks and new PPP loans and other aid targeted to struggling businesses. But Form 1040 American taxpayers who are […]
Embedded in the COVID-19 relief law is $900 billion for financial assistance.
As you would expect in these unusual times, some of the relief is in the form of direct government financial assistance and some is from tax benefits that can impact both tax year 2020 and tax year 2021. Most of the provisions create extra deductions or credits where Uncle Sam puts cash directly into your […]
What’s Taxable to an S Corporation Shareholder?
S corporation shareholders have an added reason to worry about their company’s annual performance: It has a direct impact on their own income taxes. How It Works Unlike a regular C corporation, an S corporation usually doesn’t pay federal income taxes itself. Instead, each shareholder is allocated a portion of the corporate income, loss, deductions, […]
Do you need more 2020 tax deductions?
Wow, how time flies. Yes, December 31 is just around the corner. That’s your last day to find tax deductions available from your existing business and personal (yes, personal) vehicles that you can use to cut your 2020 taxes. But don’t wait. Get on this now! Do you need a replacement business vehicle? If […]
Payroll Taxes: Who’s Responsible?
Any business with employees must withhold money from its employees’ paychecks for income and employment taxes, including Social Security and Medicare taxes (known as Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes, or FICA), and forward that money to the government. A business that knowingly or unknowingly fails to remit these withheld taxes in a timely manner will […]